New Year’s Resolutions Anyone?

New Year’s Resolutions Anyone? January 1, 2013

Happy New Year everyone!

So … I know, I know, the whole New Year’s Resolution thing is cliche and can lead to feeling guilty later when you don’t follow through on your good intentions, but I like the idea of sitting down and thinking about the closing of one year and the opening of another and what you can do differently and better in the new year.

For this next year, I have not so much a resolution as a word: “balance.” I have so many balls in the air right now that finding a good balance can be a challenge. I have to balance my blogging, my work, my dissertation, my marriage, and my children. Yes, that’s a lot. Furthermore, I have to do this without losing track of the many deadlines I juggle – submitting paperwork for academic conferences, signing up for the right graduate credits, and paying the credit card, to name just a few. So I suppose I should put the word “organization” under the word “balance.” Anyway, as this new year begins, I’m going to focus on things I can do to achieve and maintain a healthy balance in my life.

How about the rest of you? What New Year’s resolutions do you have? Or, conversely, do you have strong feelings one way or another about the practice of making a New Year’s resolutions, and if so, what are they?

Anyway, once again, have a Happy New Year and the best to you and yours!

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