Caitlyn Jenner: “Every Conservative Guy Out There Believes in Everybody’s Rights”, on Gawker—“The farcical degree to which Caitlyn Jenner was willing to blindly defend Republicans was on screaming display during last night’s second season premiere of her reality show, I Am Cait.”

“I’m a Verb”: An MTA Worker Responds to Criticism of Leslie Jones’ Ghostbusters Role, on Racialicious—“What the trailer doesn’t show, however, lies at the center of a response Jones later shared.”

What Is Fair? How Young Children See Justice, on Grounded Parents—“For example, it would not have occurred to me that singling out good behavior for reward could be considered unfair by so many children.”

These Gorgeous Photos of Victorian Women of Color Will Change Your View of History, on Everyday Feminism—“When people of color are erased from popular depictions of historical eras, some folks can come up with a lot of excuses for why their images are absent.”

No Longer Wanted: Natalie’s Story, on Homeschoolers Anonymous—“My parents told me that people who didn’t homeschool their kids didn’t really love them. That people who dated didn’t value their future spouse and would get divorced.”

Ted Cruz and the Senate: Now We’ve Got Bad Blood, on NPR—“‘If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody could convict you,’ Graham said to a ballroom full of reporters.”