Saturday Link Love: AIDS, Exotic Problems, and the Satanic Panic

Saturday Link Love: AIDS, Exotic Problems, and the Satanic Panic May 21, 2016

Saturday Link Love is a new feature where I collect and post links to various articles I’ve come upon over the past week. Feel free to share any interesting articles you’ve come along as well! The more the merrier.

Note: Inclusion does not imply full disagreement.

Meet the Woman Who Cared for Hundreds of Abandoned Gay Men Dying of AIDS, on Out—“Who knew there’d come a time when people didn’t want to bury their children?”

We Weren’t That Resilient, on Maureen O’Leary—“Look, if we take away the sepia tones of nostalgia, we might also remember things like the fact that we said “gay,” “retarded,” and “Jewish” as put-downs in my Catholic high school and nobody stopped us.”

The Viral Popularity of Child Abuse, on Revolutionary Parent—“Many adults are caught in a generation vs generation war. They believe in the “kids-these-days” myth and the “leniency” myth. They want to prove to the world that they’re on Team Adult.

Western do-gooders need to resist the allure of ‘exotic problems’, on the Guardian—I’ve begun to think about this trend as the reductive seduction of other people’s problems.”

The Disappearance that Started the Satanic Panic, on Geek and Sundry—“The truth here is that Dallas Egbert had problems far beyond the gaming table.”

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