Saturday Link Love: Climate Change, Sword Guys, and Fake Male Cofounders

Saturday Link Love: Climate Change, Sword Guys, and Fake Male Cofounders September 2, 2017

Saturday Link Love is a feature where I collect and post links to various articles I’ve come upon over the past week. Feel free to share any interesting articles you’ve come along as well! The more the merrier.

Harvey Is What Climate Change Looks Like, on Politico Magazine—“Climate scientist Kevin Trenberth thinks that as much as 30 percent of the rainfall from Harvey is attributable to human-caused global warming.”

Whose Expensive Ass Oregon Trail Frock is This? on Awesomely Luvvie—“I stumbled across a photo of this dress being sold online and I have questions.”

Sword Guys Are a Thing and I’ve Had Sex With All of Them, on The Cut—“I genuinely think there’s no better demonstration of sexism in our society than the fact that we talk about cat ladies but not sword guys (and I do not mean to disparage either).”

I Would Rather Do Anything Else Than Write the Syllabus for Your Class, on McSweeneys—“Asking me to generate a lesson plan for November 22 when it’s August is like asking me to plan a dinner menu three months ahead of time, which you might do for, say, a wedding, but I am not getting married on November 22.”

The Rise of the Valkyries, on Harper’s Magazine—“Lokteff was the conference’s only female speaker — perhaps because the alt-right has certain ideas about how women should behave.”

These Women Entrepreneurs Created A Fake Male Cofounder To Dodge Startup Sexism, on Fast Company—“Penelope Gazin and Kate Dwyer faced a lot of sexism and condescension when they launched their e-commerce marketplace for weird art–that is until they introduced an imaginary cofounder named Keith.”

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