Saturday Link Love is a feature where I collect and post links to various articles I’ve come upon over the past week. Feel free to share any interesting articles you’ve come along as well! The more the merrier.
The Disturbing Reason Incels Are Obsessed with Teenage Love, on Mel—“‘Teen love is the best love there is. We will never know how it feels,’ an incel wrote on Reddit’s r/Braincels earlier this year, rendering the fallacy in the starkest possible terms.”
Unprotected, on ProPublica—“An acclaimed American charity said it was saving some of the world’s most vulnerable girls from sexual exploitation. But from the very beginning, girls were being raped.”
White Supremacists Are Out of the Shadows and Running for Office, on Mother Jones—“Russell Walker, the Republican state House candidate in North Carolina’s 48th District, has a website crammed with anti-Semitic and racist rants and littered with statements like ‘God is a racist and white supremacist.'”
12 Young People on Why They Probably Won’t Vote, on the Intelligencer—“But have they watched the Democratic Party at any time during my lifetime? They have not done anything. Like, they don’t stand for anything. And I just don’t see the point anymore.”
^ That article I give you for the rage. Do not open it unless you plan to get angry. Also, go vote!
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