Charm bags are known by many different names in many different traditions of magick. In fact, they may be the most popular form of charm magick in modern times. Elhoim Leafar’s The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags: 100 Mystical Formulas for Success, Love, Wealth, and Wellbeing is the definitive guide on them. The most powerful magickal charms are the ones that we make ourselves. Feeling the cloth of the right color between our fingers, acknowledging the beauty of the right stones, feeling the herbs as they sprinkle from our finger tips, breathing in the aromatic scents of essential oils and perfumes; charm magick engages all the senses and allows one to really immerse themselves with the magick they’re creating.

Using his own unique blend of Latin American folk magick, Wicca, and Hoodoo, Leafar guides the user on the process of creating a charm bag and offers 100 of his own formulas. He provides a comprehensive reference resource on various ingredients to create your very own formulas. Most importantly, he teaches you through the process of charging, re-charging, and deactivating the power of the charm bags you create. The books is written clearly and concisely and makes a great addition for anyone who’s interested in making their own hands-on magick that is simple, powerful, and portable. This book has deepened my understanding of charm bags and has given me a lot of new ideas to enhance one of my favorite forms of magickal crafting.