I’ve been a huge fan of David Salisbury as both an author and a human being for quite a while now. His work in regards to both activism and witchcraft is not only highly inspiring, but David is one of the most authentic and dedicated human beings I’ve had the pleasure of coming across. David is neither an armchair occultist nor a keyboard warrior activist – he’s someone who is always rolling up his sleeves to do the actual work both behind the scenes and on the front lines in both these areas. Witchcraft Activism: A Toolkit for Magical Resistance is a masterful blend of these two areas of Salisbury’s expertise and passion. The book is a fantastic and intelligent guide employing strategic tactics of using magick to create much needed social change that anyone can operate, regardless of their magickal experience or skill level.
In Witchcraft Activism: A Toolkit for Magical Resistance David blends together the history of magickal activism of witches and occultists, the lore and myths of magickal activism in paganism, as well as the actual components magickal activist work: strategy, defense, offense, victory and loss. David ensures that the reader leaves fully equipped to take on magical activism, whether it’s a witch or magickal practitioner who wants to tie their magick to activism or an activist who wants to enhance their work with magick. Like all of David’s works, he encourages mundane actions in unison with magickal; making the book well rounded and effective.