May 7, 2013

And, using the Random Number Generator, our winner of Sarah’s book What it is is Beautiful is Jen!    Jen, I don’t have an email for you anymore because Patheos has undergone a shift from our old system of commenting to Disqus, which is wonderful. But we’re undergoing a few technical difficulties in the process (and let’s be honest, I’m totally confused).   Jen, if you’re out there, will you email me at michaboyett at gmail dot com with your contact... Read more

May 6, 2013

  On April Fools, I told the boys about how my brothers and I always tricked my dad by hiding marbles in his shoes. August thought that was hysterical and poured all six of his marbles into his dad’s shoes. Chris acted shocked and appalled when he found them there and the boys could not contain their joy. So the next day, it was Lincoln Logs. Then it was Lincoln Logs in every shoe of Chris’ they could find. Then... Read more

April 25, 2013

I love that Sarah Dunning Park is here today. Believe it or not, though Sarah is all over the blogging world, I didn’t first meet her online. She went to high school with my husband and we met at their ten year reunion. So, you understand, it has been a thrill to rediscover Sarah here in the interwebs and realize we have a shared love for poetry. Today her book of poems is released on Amazon and we are celebrating... Read more

April 24, 2013

Someday I may list my top five bloggers of the universe. And if I do, Sarah Bessey will be there on that very short list. Her words move me and challenge me and, best of all, she always says it beautiful. (Also, now’s a good time to confess that some of the “One Good Phrases” I’ve learned from reading Sarah are on repeat in my home.) So glad to have her here.   My parents are not writers, they did... Read more

April 23, 2013

  I loved having Jessica Goudeau’s guest post here last week and was thrilled to introduce you to Hill Country Hill Tribers. I’m excited to say that our winner of that beautiful scarf pictured above is Jennifer Raines. Congratulations Jennifer!   I’ve been missing you guys! And I figured what better day than Thankful Tuesday to fill you on life in my world. My little asthmatic boy has been at it again. I’m thankful for his medication and that we’re... Read more

April 19, 2013

Friends, I wrote a post for A Deeper Church this week. On the tragedy in Boston, on beauty and ruin, and how sometimes the bravest thing we can do is hold both at the same time.   On Monday, people died cheering for their loved ones at the finish line of a race that has always existed as a celebration, a challenge to accomplish, a dream to make real. For the Boston Marathon that innocence has been stolen. Violence always... Read more

April 18, 2013

I’m so excited to have Jessica Goudeau here today sharing about one of my favorite organizations (and Etsy shops!) around. Half of the Christmas presents I gave this past year came from the women of Hill Country Hill Tribers. And I’m thrilled to let Jessica share with you about their story, just in time for Mother’s Day. Welcome Jessica! Growing up in my house, it was switching the laundry from the washing machine to the dryer. It was emptying the... Read more

April 17, 2013

Tanya Marlow would probably not admit it, but she is brave. That’s why I’m drawn to her writing and her view of the world. Tanya has a disease that has forced her to live almost entirely housebound, but I find her vision of life refreshingly big and beautiful. Though she is a lovely English lady across a mass of continent and ocean from me, I’m thankful to be her friend through this magical internet world. So happy she’s here today. I’d... Read more

April 11, 2013

Remember how Matt Appling guest-posted this past Monday about his new book Life After Art? I asked you all to leave a comment about how you’re trying (or would like to try) to bring creativity into your responsible, grown-up life. I loved the responses. Thanks so much for sharing. I did a Very Official Drawing all alone in my office with no one around to make sure I wasn’t cheating. And the winner is…   Sarah Dunning Park!!!!   Sarah,... Read more

April 10, 2013

I was first introduced to Helen Lee through a real life friend we share in common. That was the same year she released her book The Missional Mom, which I read with my Mom’s Group here in San Francisco. I so appreciate her book for the hope she offers: that moms who want to live intentionally, who want to engage the culture around them, actually can be missionally-minded in the midst of raising a family. I’m honored to have her... Read more

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