Happy Vocation Day!

Happy Vocation Day! September 1, 2014

history-labor (1)Just ran into this neat post by Gene Veith over at his blog, Cranach, on why we celebrate Labor Day. (Hey, this is a blog about faith and work, so you expected a lot of posts on Labor Day, right?)

Most people probably don’t know what they are celebrating on Labor Day–”something about Unions”–but we here at the Cranach blog have long sought to fill this holiday with meaning by turning it into a Christian feast commemorating the doctrine of vocation.

The term, which just means “calling,” is about far more than a person’s job, though it includes that.  We all have multiple callings:  in the family (as husbands & wives, fathers & mothers, sons & daughters), in the workplace (as employers & employees, in all the niches of the economic order), in the church (as pastors & laity), and in the state (as citizens & members of society in this time and place).  God, in His providential governing of the world, works through human callings, and the purpose of all vocations is to love and serve our neighbors.  Thus, our various vocations are the realms in which we live out our faith.

Worth checking out–as are all of Gene’s posts on vocation.

Image: Avodah Institute.

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