Reaching out to my Readers

Reaching out to my Readers October 21, 2009

I’ve been running this blog now for about 8 months and have been thrilled with the amount of people who have found it and who are participating in the important discussions we have come across. As my practice continues to grow and as more questions/comments are submitted to this blog, my time resources become limited and I need to prioritize how best to move forward. Since I want to continue to provide this service, I would like your feedback on how to best monetize my services. The best option I can come up with is offering this blog as a “subscription” where one might pay $5-10 a month for unlimited access (including posting questions/comments) or a yearly fee of $35.
My fear is that I will lose constituents if I do this. I also do not want finances to be a reason why people are not able to seek help.

Any feedback regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated. And thanks again for the ongoing feedback, compliments and constructive criticism so many of you provide.

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