March 27, 2019

I am having a hard time celebrating the changes the Church has made in regards to temple ordinances and women. On the one hand it’s long overdue and it will be much more palatable for new women going in for the first time. On the other hand I feel like all the pain I felt for so many years having to participate in a ritual where I felt my husband was put “above” me is largely ignored. Not to mention... Read more

March 26, 2019

UNFORTUNATELY THIS WORKSHOP HAS BEEN CANCELLED  I am very excited to bring  “Navigating Life During and After a Faith Crisis” Mormon Faith Crisis worshop to the Kansas City area  April 12th & 13th. Click HERE for more information. Natasha Helfer Parker, LCMFT, CST can be reached at and runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions, which focuses on helping families and individuals with faith concerns, sexuality and mental health. She hosts the Mormon Mental Health and Mormon Sex Info Podcasts, is the current president of the Mormon Mental Health Association and... Read more

March 10, 2019

I was recently contacted by the author of the newly released book: “And It Was Very Good: a Latter-day Saint’s Guide to Lovemaking.” He asked if I would be willing to edit his work and give him feedback, which I was happy to do. He is writing from the perspective of a father of 7 children; wanting his kids to have access to comprehensive sexual education in a way that will also honor his/their values from an LDS framing.   Although I do not agree... Read more

February 18, 2019

Dear Bishop Josh Shaw: I am writing in wholehearted support of Gina Colvin in anticipation of her pending church disciplinary council before your bishopric. By way of background, I am a former bishop, stake presidency counselor and three-time high counselor, which I mention only as a way to note that I have been a part of many disciplinary councils and am very familiar with the process and its purpose. I urge you to proceed with a careful and thoughtful appreciation... Read more

December 18, 2018

For those of you who have been following the support for Gina Colvin on my pages you might be interested in the following information. The Bishop and Stake President have been writing back to each person who has sent them a witness on Gina’s behalf. I’m very grateful that they would have thought to take the time and energy to do so. Gina is not planning on attending the disciplinary council. Here is what she had to say about what... Read more

December 18, 2018

Continued… The following are the “witnesses” that have been written in behalf of Gina Colvin, who is being summoned to a disciplinary court on December 20, 2018. If you’re interested in submitting a witness… please share with me at I will continue to update… or create further posts as I receive them. I will keep blog posts to about 1500 words… that’s why there will be more than one “page.” Dear Bishop Shaw and President Ornsby, I want to... Read more

December 18, 2018

Continued… The following are the “witnesses” that have been written in behalf of Gina Colvin, who is being summoned to a disciplinary court on December 20, 2018. If you’re interested in submitting a witness… please share with me at I will continue to update… or create further posts as I receive them. I will keep blog posts to about 1500 words… that’s why there will be more than one “page.” Gina Colvin, you are in my heart night and... Read more

December 17, 2018

My spiritual musings for the day: We had a fun and deep conversation today on the way to church. My 16 year old son was responsible for bringing the sacrament bread today and I had forgotten to buy the typical loaf I usually get… Wonder-type, cheap white bread. But I had “Dave’s Killer Bread” on hand instead. Super healthy… full of grains… dark… So we talked about how this was a much better choice anyway. It better represents a body... Read more

December 14, 2018

Continued… The following are the “witnesses” that have been written in behalf of Gina Colvin, who is being summoned to a disciplinary court on December 20, 2018. If you’re interested in submitting a witness… please share with me at I will continue to update… or create further posts as I receive them. I will keep blog posts to about 1500 words… that’s why there will be more than one “page.” Dear Bishop Shaw and President Ormsby, I am writing... Read more

December 13, 2018

Continued… The following are the “witnesses” that have been written in behalf of Gina Colvin, who is being summoned to a disciplinary court on December 20, 2018. If you’re interested in submitting a witness… please share with me at I will continue to update… or create further posts as I receive them. I will keep blog posts to about 1500 words… that’s why there will be more than one “page.” My first contact with Gina was when I was... Read more

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