April 2, 2009

He talked with the Bishop several years ago. He also continued therapy and then quit b/c of finances. And since then, we have moved several times. So, no one at this point “knows” all. I find myself on an emotional roller coaster. Sometimes, I contemplate divorce. But most of the time, I have accepted loneliness. I do try and take “me” time, but it is few and far between. Awhile ago, I mentioned that I would like to start therapy,... Read more

April 1, 2009

I love it when I find research that corroborates gospel teachings. These are quotes I’m taking from an article called Strengths of Character and the Family by Nansook Park, PhD and Christopher Peterson, PhD published in Family Therapy Magazine (Nov-Dec 2006 issue). “Time and again, we find that the strengths that matter most in producing fulfillment are what we call strengths of the heart, positive traits that connect us to other people, such as kindness, love and gratitude, as opposed... Read more

April 1, 2009

The Church has published a guide entitled A Parent’s Guide that might help shed some light on some of the questions discussed relative to sexual intimacy within marriage. The purpose of the guide is to “help you teach your children about these physical intimacies and to prepare them to follow the Lord’s plan in expressing their own intimacy.” The guide covers the life span of infancy through courtship and marriage. In chapter six, page 45 we are counseled that “The... Read more

March 31, 2009

Several years ago, my husband confirmed my worst nightmare. He sat down and said that he is homosexual and receiving counseling. He has suffered from addiction to pornography and has battled it all of his life. Now, years later, I am unable to confide in him or be intimate with him. He doesn’t try either and so we lead a celibate life. I do not talk with him about the problem and I don’t ask what he does on the... Read more

March 30, 2009

I think all of this information really helps a lot of people put things into perspective. I think so many people want a clear “black and white” answer on this (oral and/or anal sex) and many other issues. Instead our leaders and the Lord give us great freedom (leeway so to speak) to live our religion.A lot of people seem to be on a quest to “decide” what our Heavenly Father must feel and what His stance must be on... Read more

March 27, 2009

Is anal sex wrong? I asked my husband to do it once because I was curious and he was more than willing to oblige. We’ve done it a couple of times and I have enjoyed it about half the time, depending on my mood. We haven’t done it in a long time, but I was wondering if it was wrong to experiment to such an extent. Same with oral sex: I’ve heard two camps with one saying it’s absolutely wrong... Read more

March 27, 2009

51% of US adults surveyed believe that pornography raises men’s expectation of how women should look and changes men’s expectations of how women should behave. No Consensus Among American Public on the Effects of Pornography on Adults or Children or What Government Should Do About It, Harris Poll, 7 October 2005. www.harrisinteractive.com 40% of adults surveyed believe that pornography harms relationships between men and women.No Consensus Among American Public on the Effects of Pornography on Adults or Children or What... Read more

March 27, 2009

I finally made it home after being stuck in western Kansas for four days with transmission problems. Yikes! The following is a list of helpful tips to protect your family: Develop a trusting relationship with your child early: most of the things we are afraid to talk to our kids about, they already have some basic knowledge on from their friends and cultural surroundings. Keep the door of communication open: this has a lot to do with controlling our own... Read more

March 23, 2009

I want to apologize that I have not posted any new information lately but I have been on a spring break vacation with my children and got stuck with car problems. I will be making some posts starting Wednesday. Thanks! Read more

March 16, 2009

Would some of your responses apply to a couple where one spouse has become a liberal mormon (strongly not believing core teachings yet enjoying other aspects of mormonism) and the other still believes the doctrine. Could I communicate with you by email, or only on the blog? Thanks for you time. Each individul situation obviously differs and I would want to know more about what you are referring to before I give you a conclusive answer. For the most part,... Read more

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