14 Ways to Help Your Child with Special Needs Succeed in a Religious School

14 Ways to Help Your Child with Special Needs Succeed in a Religious School September 22, 2015

3. Write an “all about how to succeed with my kid” letter. Yes, you should also prepare a file with your child’s Individualize Education Plan (IEP) and suggestions for success from any speech, physical, occupational, mental health or other therapists that work with your child. But don’t expect a religious school teacher to be knowledgeable enough to understand that material.

Your letter should be easy to read and follow — a toolkit for working with your child. Put things into simple language with bullets of information that the school needs to know to make your child’s experience safe and successful. Remember, as a parent, you have unique insights about your child that can help your child’s teacher understand his/her strengths and needs. Your candor, experience and advice will be much appreciated.

Depending on the age of your child, you may want to invite your child to give you ideas on what you should express in your memo to the teaching team. Check with your school team to see the teacher or others might be willing to provide some guidance to the team at your religious school.

Next: Meet with your child’s teacher and team.

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