July 19, 2018

Evangelicals are rightly known for our line-in-the-sand, hill-to-die-on stand against abortion. But are we guilty of something far worse? Read more

July 16, 2018

How would you go about making me a die-hard fan of your baseball team? If you can grasp that, you can grasp how to make disciples today. Read more

July 12, 2018

Last week as I was deciding I would never enter a certain McDonald's again, I understood why so many people walk away from church. Read more

July 9, 2018

Churches don't grow on accident. There are many conditions needed for a thriving church, but here are 6 to get you started. Read more

July 5, 2018

In Acts 15 some wanted to build a moat around the church and burn the drawbridges. In the 21st century we struggle with the same tension. Read more

June 28, 2018

J.D. Greear is getting shot at from behind for taking a view on homosexuality that more and more churches need to take today. Read more

June 27, 2018

What's the best way to interact online in a culture that's grown more divisive and hostile? King Solomon has some ancient wisdom for us. Read more

June 14, 2018

Your church can be like a frustrated door-to-door VCR salesman in 2018, or you can lovingly help usher your church into the 21st century. Read more

June 11, 2018

Don't throw up your hands in despair. Don't give up. Your church can start growing tomorrow. Here are five practical places to start. Read more

June 8, 2018

The church has the perfect solution to two of the biggest contributing factors to suicide, but we're figuring out a way to muck it up instead. Read more

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