February 11, 2019

Yesterday the Houston Chronicle released a bombshell report (part 1 of 3) about sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. It is scathing and it is gut-wrenching to read as a lifelong Southern Baptist. The report names names, and while most will think the most important names are the denominational leaders and megachurch pastors called out, the most important names are the names of the victims, lives forever tarnished and ruined by vicious sexual assaults, assaults that took place within... Read more

February 7, 2019

For years, perhaps you’ve been disqualifying yourself from God’s love and forgiveness because you’ve convinced yourself that what you did was too horrible, too unforgivable.  Read more

February 4, 2019

“I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 If you are not familiar with Fortnite, you probably don’t have elementary or teenage boys in your house. I’ve got three boys, so I am very familiar with the video game craze that has spread like a virus and is has now infected the mind of almost every boy with electronic... Read more

January 31, 2019

I live in a crazy, chaotic, busy home. My wife and I have four rambunctious kids (ages 4 to 11) that keep life filled to the brim. Many days four kids is tiring, but never are there days when I regret having so many. In fact, I’m forever grateful to my wife and to two other women, mothers who had unplanned pregnancies yet courageously chose to give life instead of take it away. Much has been made in the news... Read more

January 28, 2019

Everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Everyone wants to be a part of something that matters. The problem is too many Christians are not making a tangible impact in their world. Perhaps what’s holding you back is one of these myths designed to keep your life meaningless. Here are eight myths that need to be busted before you can start making a difference in your world: The ‘Calling’ Myth – Some would say you need... Read more

January 10, 2019

Old Testament thinking has infiltrated too many churches that claim to follow Jesus and the new covenant. Here are 6 signs: Read more

January 4, 2019

40% of those under 30 identify as a None (no religion). We don't have to simply write them off. Here's how we get them back. Read more

January 2, 2019

It shouldn't be a mystery why so many people are walking away from church. Here are six primary reasons. Read more

December 31, 2018

I drive past a business every single day that I have no intention of ever visiting, much like people drive past my church every Sunday. Read more

December 28, 2018

Although the supernatural world is hidden, that doesn't mean that engaging with it has to be mysterious. Read more

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