January 7, 2017

Do you feel it? The chill in the air? The cold, wintry day that screams of nothing but warm soups and oodles of hot beverages while binge watching Gilmore girls on Netflix and snuggling under a cozy winter throw blanket? And nothing looks prettier than a soft throw blanket tossed over the arm of a chair. Well friends, you are in luck, because I’ve gathered 10 of my favorite throw blanket finds for you that only cost $25 or less!... Read more

January 5, 2017

The other day, I was cleaning out a stack of papers I stumbled upon in the attic. I found a decade old list of Resolutions, and my, was I ambitious! The list was quite long and unfortunately, many of the things on the list would still be there if I made one today. Oh, the standards were represented – tackling diet and fitness, managing our finances better, improving one specific area like organization – yes, it was all there and it... Read more

December 30, 2016

Can you believe that another year is ending? We had such a beautiful holiday season and am so excited with what the New Year has in store for us! But before we brush another year out the door, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on some of my favorite posts and give you a recap of 2016. I am overwhelmed with the blessings the Lord has given us this year, and even though my blog is not quite... Read more

December 23, 2016

It never fails. Every time a video pops up in my feed of the soldier returning home from serving their country, my eyes brim with tears before I even push the play button.  The same thing happened when I stumbled across this beautiful post on Facebook. I don’t know Kaz Hawkins, but her reupholstery work is stunning. She was sent this uniform to create a beautiful Christmas gift for a soldier’s mother.  In her post, she writes: “a royal engineer soldier,... Read more

December 16, 2016

Christmas is almost here and are you like me – still scrambling for gift ideas, but your Christmas budget is running out? Here is a great last minute gift idea that you can make in one day and your house will smell amazing! My husband has a thing for Apple Butter. He’s kind of an apple butter snob. Before we moved to our Almost Farmhouse, we struggled to find good southern Apple Butter while we lived in Vegas.  Family would sneak... Read more

December 11, 2016

Hey y’all and welcome to our Almost Farmhouse! Grab a cup of your favorite warm beverage and let’s visit a while as I show you my cozy, rustic Christmas home this season. I am beyond thrilled to be a part of the Homes for the Holidays blog hop – thank you Cindy from A Cottage Girl for all your hard work putting this together and hosting this incredible group of bloggers! If you are coming from Claire from The Rustic Pig‘s beautiful home, welcome!... Read more

December 9, 2016

Are you loving all the buffalo check like me? I see that beautiful red and black plaid everywhere in the stores and I just love the rustic, farmhouse-y feel. It’s such a fun pop of Christmas color. My front door was in a sad state. I needed a way to create a new wreath for my door, but my budget was running on empty.  Here’s how I made a Buffalo Check Wreath in 20 minutes for only $10. I was out... Read more

December 6, 2016

Ding Dong the Elf on the Shelf is dead! I know I should be sad but, I’m kinda doing a happy dance right now. Do you have a love/hate relationship with that little doll like me? How many times have you turned to full panic mode because you had forgotten to move the elf? Well, friends, here are 15 Elf on the Shelf ideas to help you out this season! A few weeks ago, our youngest came to us asking... Read more

November 23, 2016

Parenting is tough, but you have to learn to laugh, roll with the punches, and make sure to not miss the moments. I have spent the past week prepping my home for a Christmas party. You read that right. Thanksgiving hasn’t even arrived, yet I’m getting my home ready for this party I’ll be hosting that happens weeks from now. You know the drill – you get all the boxes out, sort through the decor to see what to keep... Read more

November 18, 2016

With Thanksgiving just days away, so many of us are pulling out all our Christmas decorations to start trimming the tree. And you may be like me – wanting a little touch of different to deck the halls this year. Are you looking for a fun way to add custom Holiday artwork to your walls this season? Need an idea that’s simple and budget-friendly? I’m sharing this quick and easy DIY tutorial that you can make for your home for under $25! This past... Read more

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