September 1, 2014

For many Pagans “New Age” is a dirty turn of phrase often dismissed as any sort of progressive Spirituality that comes with a large price tag, but Paganism and the New Age have shared many ideas and philosophies over the past seven decades. Read more

August 27, 2014

I've always had trouble with the idea of a wild Witchcraft because my Witchcraft is not wild. There's a method to my madness in circle and I tend to think of it as measured and controlled. Read more

August 23, 2014

Writing about Modern Pagan history presents extraordinary challenges. Things one person thinks are important might be inconsequential to another which makes determining what was truly "important" a somewhat thankless and often difficult task. Read more

August 22, 2014

It feels far too early to wax nostalgic about the "aughts" but Jason gives it a go anyways. The movies, books, and music that best represent the decade that was in the final installment of the "Pagan Time Capsule" series. Read more

August 20, 2014

One challenge of modern polytheism is understanding the old gods, both the ways they were understood historically and the ways they exist in the modern world. One goddess who often presents such a challenge is the Irish war goddess the Morrigan. A guest post by Morgan Daimler. Read more

August 19, 2014

One of the great things about going to festivals and other Pagan events is that I get to drop into all sorts of Pagan communities and so many of those places end up feeling more Witchy than home. Is the grass really greener on the other side? Read more

August 12, 2014

The 1990's were a big decade for Paganism. There was "The Craft," a whole lot of Pagan-sounding music, and some of the best and worst Pagan books ever published. It's a trip into my favorite (and most formative) decade of Paganism! Read more

August 10, 2014

The 1980's might not have been the best decade for Modern Paganism, but it was still full of firsts and important milestones. From David Bowie to the Pretenders to Scott Cunningham to Z Budapest the 1980's had a little something for nearly everyone. Read more

August 7, 2014

Were the 1970's the most important decade in the history of Modern Paganism? Maybe not, but a case can be made that it was the most influential. Read more

August 6, 2014

Some of the books, music, movies, and more that helped define the Paganism of the 1960's. It's part two of the seven part Pagan Time Capsule series! Read more

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