Small Successes #8 & What we found at the Library

Small Successes #8 & What we found at the Library February 4, 2010


It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, Faith and Family does exactly that. Go here to check out more small successes and be encouraged.

Started my cloth daipering again, if I stick with it maybe I can use the daiper money in my budget for something else! I can’t believe it took me almost 5 months to get back to it!

I am still alive and functioning after a long week of babies waking up coughing in the night. (Hopefully they will be doing better in the coming week)

Cleaned off my counters and wiped them down. Anyone that knows me knows that this is a big accomplishment! Although there is already a small pile of dishes from last night next to the sink. *Sigh* I can’t win.

Next is something I’ve been watching for a bit and really enjoy, so I thought I’d give it a try this week.

Ms. Action’s Favorite:

This book I actually found at the thrift store and it is a huge hit! Ms. Action requests it almost every day, and “reads” it aloud from memory perfectly. Its a cute story about how to behave around a new baby, and I think its been helpful in getting used to our own baby, since I will hear Ms. Action whisper to herself “So what can you do with a new baby? We can cuddle her, and rock her to sleep. Or give her a rattle to play with…” while she is playing with her own baby sister.

Ms. Drama’s Favorite:

This is such a cute book! Big colorful pictures and a fun rhyming story to go with it. This little bunny is stuck in the house since it is raining and he and his little mouse friend have to distract themselves from being bored. Lots of giggles when we read this one.

Mom’s favorite:

This one is a very short little story that is almost a chant. My kids always follow along and make the animal noises and ask for it over and over and over. Its my favorite because even though I’ve read it a million times, I don’t feel any dread when they ask for it again, and I can read it with my eyes closed, so I get a bonus mini-nap.

Now head over to This Heavenly Life to see more books and share your own!

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