Small Successes #12

Small Successes #12 April 8, 2010
I took apart the bottom part of my dishwasher. I think it’s part of the drain? Anyways, I pulled apart all the pieces and screens and emptied all the food chunks they had caught, and then scrubbed all the parts and put it back together and then cleaned the dishwasher by running a wash with a cup of vinegar. Wow did it need to be cleaned.
I managed to cook a 16 pound turkey even though I’d forgotten about throwing out my last rusted 9×13 pan.
I went to the Ladies Bible Study at my church and had to sit and listen to everyone talk about the previous minister and his wife and kids, and how great they were. And I didn’t cry, and I still smiled and tried to be friendly. I did feel rather sorry for myself though, so I am not sure that counts as a success.

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