What we found at the library #2

What we found at the library #2 April 1, 2010


My Favorite: What Baby Wants is the cutest book. In this book Mama is tired, so she leaves the baby with lots of loving relatives while she goes to bed. When the baby gets upset each relative attempts (in more and more ridiculous ways) to help baby feel better. Someone does eventually figure it out. I just love the pictures in this book too, they are so sweet!

Hubby’s favorite: I found Say Daddy a bit wordy, but the kids stayed enthralled and my husband liked it. A little bear has books read to him by various family members who all want their name to be his first word. He surprises them all by having a first word of his very own. The little bears’s stuffed bunny is on every page, much to the delight of both our girls.

Ms. Action’s Favorite: Corduroy is an oldie I suppose, but it’s new to my kids. And Ms. Action has requested this one every single day since we brought it home. It’s all about a lonely little stuffed bear who lives in a big store, but finds a home by the end of the book. I think Ms. Action enjoys all the emotions in this book, she is very sad with corduroy, and then very happy with him when he isn’t lonely anymore. And best of all, he gets his own little bear-sized bed to sleep in!

Ms. Drama’s Favorite: Counting Colors has been searched through again and again over here. This book has nice big colorful pictures of fun items like cookies and strawberries for kids to find. Each page is full of items that are all a specific color and you have to find a certain number of each item. This one has been such a big hit that I am considering buying it myself. And even though it is very large it is also a board book, which is a big plus for this age range, at least at my house.

Head over to This Heavenly Life to check out more kids library reccomendations, or share your own!

These are books that I and my family have enjoyed, I am not being paid to share about them.

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