Small Successes #14

Small Successes #14 May 6, 2010
Tried as much as humanly possible to avoid perfectionism this week. It is NOT as easy as it sounds. It was difficult to try to maintain a good attitude about all the stuff that I felt wasn’t getting done. But at the end of this week, I was surprised to realize that my house is just about as clean as it usually is when I am fretting and complaining about all the stuff I’m behind in. So I guess that all that stress isn’t really helping me all that much.
I started working on my photos again! I sorted through all the pictures from 2008. Yes, you read that correctly. Hopefully I can get this under control before 10 years flies by and I have shoe boxes full of unsorted photo’s. I am not delusional to think that I will be able to scrapbook all these photos, but I would at least like put them in albums.
I have not shaved my head yet, and that’s got to count as a success somewhere. My hair is driving me crazy. I love it when I can wash it every day, or every other day, but all to often it goes longer than that between washings (um, that’s embarrassing) and then I can’t stand it. Any tips for busy moms who hate “wasting” the few spare minutes they might have in a day standing in the shower? I love feeling nice and refreshed after a shower, but hate all the time and effort it takes to line up some time to get one in. From what I remember it does get easier once your youngest child is able to defend herself from the older ones if they are left alone for a few minutes. I think I might need to get more structured about this kind of thing, no more flying by the seat of my pants.
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