October 7, 2013

Sinead O'Conner "open letter" to Miley Cyrus bothered me with its assertion that the world is a dark dangerous place where women should hide their sexuality. The great Amanda Palmer puts words to my unease and as a currently-relevant female musician and a brilliant articulate pro-sex feminist, has a right and a standing that I could never have on the subject. Read more

September 4, 2013

There is no simple solution for the situation in Syria. Whether it is, as Fareed Zakaria says, an inevitable sectarian realignment period as the artificial structures of colonialism fall apart, or simply the drawn out violent death throws of a failing regime, the current civil war is ugly and brutal, and many many civilians are dying and suffering as a result. (Lots of friends have shared this helpful overview of the situation from the Washington Post.) But does the absence... Read more

August 5, 2013

I'll be presenting a session at Wild Goose near Asheville, North Carolina this Saturday on meditation for Christians. Join me and take part in this amazing festival "at the intersection of justice, spirituality, music, and art." In other words, great music, inspiring presentations and amazing fellowship. Discount tickets here. Read more

August 2, 2013

Today's daily meditation in Living Faith on Psalm 81 is one of mine: "Take up a melody, and sound the timbrel... For it is a statute in Israel." Read my reflection on obedient gratitude / grateful obedience. Read more

August 1, 2013

Is this version of Amazing Grace played on theramins encased in russian dolls a loving rendition or a postmodern farce? I'm not sure, but it is beautiful in its way. What do you think? Read more

July 31, 2013

Today's daily meditation in Living Faith on Psalm 99 is one of mine: "Holy is the Lord, our God." Read my reflection on reconnecting with God's undivided power and love whenever you feel overwhelmed. Read more

July 29, 2013

Last week, Archbishop Chaput said "right wing" Catholics weren't happy Pope Francis hadn't talked about the hot-button issues yet. I think now they probably wish he'd kept quiet. Is it a 180? No, but a reversal of not just tone but also emphasis, away from attacking those in disagreement over dogma and towards holding up universal Christian values, will restore a culture in which conversation can occur, in which people of faith can discuss what's essential and what is not. In the long run, this may lead to substantial change. Read more

July 19, 2013

On a 15-city "Catholic Tipping Point" American tour Fr. Helmut Schüller is outlining reforms he believes can restore vitality to the Roman Catholic Church, including married and women priests, welcoming remarried Catholics and gay members in committed relationships into full communion, and decentralizing power and giving greater leadership opportunities to lay members.  Read more

July 9, 2013

In light of Pope Francis' similarity in demeanor to Pope John XXIII, his admiration for the gentle, plainspoken pastoral leader, and his quick sainting of the Vatican II architect, you can't help wondering, as the new book Francis: Man of Prayer asks: will Pope Francis be a reforming pope? Will he, like John XXIII, instigate changes that will alter the course of the global church profoundly and extend beyond his own papacy? Read more

May 23, 2013

You can add serenity to your life and connect more closely with God's creation by getting little doses of nature whenever you can; and then, once in a while, really break away for a restorative vacation. Here are 5 ways of getting back to nature. Read more

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