Breakfast Links for 11/12/12 – Bamboozled Catholics; Betrayed on Two Fronts; the God of 2×4’s

Breakfast Links for 11/12/12 – Bamboozled Catholics; Betrayed on Two Fronts; the God of 2×4’s November 12, 2012


Erin Straza, Patheos/Christ and Pop Culture: “In the middle of relationship, I have the chance to work out my choices—the good ones and the not-so-good ones—while anchored in steady acceptance and love.”

George Neumayr, Real Clear Religion: How Obama Bamboozled Catholics

Mark D. Roberts, Patheos/Mark D. Roberts: “David’s belief that he matters so much to God isn’t wishful thinking, but rather a conviction based on how God has made himself known to David.”

Michael Goodwin, New York Post: He Betrayed Us on Two Fronts

Becky Hsu, Patheos/Black, White and Gray: “Aristotle recognizes an important role for a sense of shame in a flourishing life. But, while he says that the virtuous person would feel shame if he or she did something disgraceful, an even more virtuous person would not do what is shameful in the first place. Shame is a good thing in imperfect humans, but it is not, in and of itself, a part of human flourishing.”

Michael F. Cannon, National Review Online: Obamacare Is Still Vulnerable

Peter Enns, Patheos/Peter Enns: “A suffering God is a disorienting thought, if we let it sink in for a moment. It is also logically inexplicable. If true, however, it is, as Gunnar concluded, “good news.” In our darkest moments, we are not alone.”

Mark Landsbaum, Orange County Register: U.S. Become California Becoming Greece

Karen Spears Zacharias, Patheos/Karen Spears Zacharias: “I could never trust a God who carries a two-by-four for the sole purpose of whacking people who ignore him, could you?”

Stephen Prothero, Belief Blog: 7 Ways Religious Diversity Played in the Election

Marc Barners, Patheos/Bad Catholic: “Any experience of love as finite would be disappointment. We clench our teeth when told “I’ll love who you become”, “I can’t love you after that“, because we experience a lack of love. The language of love is not the language of finitude.”


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