Breakfast Links for 11/21/12 – Twinkies and Science; Laws of Armed Conflict; God’s Conduct

Breakfast Links for 11/21/12 – Twinkies and Science; Laws of Armed Conflict; God’s Conduct November 21, 2012


Lindsey Crittendon, Patheos/Good Letters: “The achievement of love, it seems, lies in opening ourselves to something much bigger than ourselves, something that makes the whole notion of credit moot. If Love is the answer, Grace is how it comes about.”

William Murchison, Real Clear Politics: Why Democrats Are in Trouble

Fred Sanders, Patheos/The Scriptorium: “Christian conduct is a matter of entering into the spirit of God’s conduct. Insofar as the Spirit makes it possible for us, we are to treat others as God the Father has treated us in Christ.”

John Stauffer, Religion & Politics: Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address

David French, Patheos/The French Revolution: “Even in the fog of war there can still be legal clarity, and it is clear that the criminal entity in Gaza is Hamas, not the Israeli Defense Force.”

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, USA Today: A Solution to Secessionist Fever

Richard Dahlstrom, Patheos/Fibonacci Faith: “But what captured me was the reminder that everyone has a cross, or more accurately crosses, if this bit about “dying daily” is at all true.”

Laura Washington, Chicago Sun-Times: Hillary for President 2016

Gov. Rick Perry, USA Today: ObamaCare and the Road to Disaster

Denise Grady, NY Times Health Science: No More Twinkies?  A Terrible Loss for Science



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