Breakfast Links for 12/04/12: Build-a-Bear Theology; Eucharist Promise; Animals in the Kingdom; Porn Stars and Self-Esteem

Breakfast Links for 12/04/12: Build-a-Bear Theology; Eucharist Promise; Animals in the Kingdom; Porn Stars and Self-Esteem December 4, 2012


J. E. Dyer, Patheos/The Optimistic Christian: “I have an urgent sense that it is time for Christians to stop nagging each other over the kinds of differences among us that require academic studies to define and unearth. The situation of our world is not so stable that we can behave as if the Body of Christ is a sort of current-affairs debating society, in which people form interest groups and the point is to criticize the others’ perspectives and priorities.”

Greg Scott, Patheos/Philsophical Fragments: “Despite their cleverly worded titles, none of these bills do anything to protect religious freedom. Instead, they offer the religious freedom equivalent of an arsonist promising to preserve the last row of trees before burning down the rest of the forest.”

Adam Jeske, Patheos/This Ordinary Journey: “What people need to hear is grace, audacious, seems-too-good-to-be-true but so-true-its-good, grace.”

Jason Morehead, Patheos/Christ and Pop Culture: “At the risk of sounding paranoid about some impending “robopocalypse”, if technology becomes so invisible that we no longer think about it, or becomes so close that we can no longer see it for what it is, are we still in control of that technology?”

Mark Regenerus, Patheos/Black, White and Gray: “Apparently porn stars’ lives aren’t nearly the mess they are often presumed to be. Instead, the news cycle declared, they display greater self-esteem and deeper “spirituality” than the average woman.”

Fred Sanders, Patheos/The Scriptorium: “So when you take the bread and cup, you are taking God’s promise in your hand. You’ve already believed God’s promise: That if you come to Jesus, Jesus will receive you. Now take the promise in your hand, eat the promise.”

Kurt Willems, Patheos/The Pangea Blog: “But stories like the one in the following video remind me of how big a concern the welfare of animals needs to be for the local church. After all, we know that when the fullness of the Kingdom of God comes, the world will be set right, even for the animal kingdom!”

Richard Dahlstrom, Patheos/Fibonacci Faith: Do not be afraid” is an impossible statement if it stands alone.  The good news though (the gospel) is that this unlivable statement becomes livable precisely because it doesn’t stand alone. “

Frederick Schmidt, Patheos/The Spiritual Landscape: “We create something that is deeply meaningful to the one who crafts it, but predictably it lacks any deep relevance to others. Build-A-Bear theology is not something that has the breadth or depth to attract others. It lives in a disconnect from the past and the future.”

Amy Julia Becker, Patheos/Thin Places: “But right now, as I prepare one more time to welcome Jesus into this world, into our home, into our family, I need to learn about expecting God to show up not only when our life is in crisis but also in the every day.”

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