September 8, 2013

By Dr. David Murray What can the Old Testament possibly say to our culture? It seems a million miles and sometimes a million years away from our time, our generation, and our problems. How can something so old address all the new challenges of globalization, sex-trafficking, the digital revolution, etc. There’s no question that the Old Testament is a challenging read; it doesn’t yield its wisdom quite as easily as fortune cookies. However, it does repay disciplined and prayerful reading... Read more

September 5, 2013

By Galen Dalrymple “Which is easier, to say ‘thy sins are forgiven’ or ‘take up thy bed and walk””? (Mark 2:9) At this writing, I have been in Africa 36 days. My thoughts have often been filled with amazement at my African brothers’ and sisters’ faith and walk with the Lord. I have pondered and been troubled by it many times; mostly troubled, if truth be told. I know that our faith is not a comparison game where only the... Read more

August 29, 2013

By Galen Dalrymple I sit in the early morning light contemplating my experiences here in Africa. I have just finished my quiet time, today from Luke 10:1-16 which describes Jesus’ sending of the 72 to proclaim the nearness of the Kingdom. As was always the case with Jesus, he never pulled his punches, telling them right up front that “I am sending you out as lambs among wolves”. Hardly the way to recruit an army of followers if you are... Read more

August 22, 2013

By Galen Dalrymple One of the most distressing aspects of the part of Africa I have seen and heard about from my fellow interns has been the view in the African bush and culture about human worth. I don’t pretend to speak for all cultures or places in Africa, but I have heard facts and stories about treatment of other humans that make my skin crawl. Africa has long been a war-torn continent and that continues even to this day.... Read more

August 15, 2013

By Galen Dalrymple I think that it is fair to say that I have been humbled and learned a lot about myself and my shortcomings and prejudices by spending this time in Africa.  I also believe that most Americans and people from first-world countries would come to Africa and find it to be decades behind the west. I recently spent four days in Kumasi, Ghana, with some of my fellow interns.  Before we left to go there, they told me... Read more

August 9, 2013

The Rev. Michael Wilker — who hosted 300 evangelical leaders at his Church of the Reformation, very close to the capitol in Washington DC, for an Evangelical Immigration Table Day of Action — published an op ed in the Washington Post where he reiterated these words from the gathering: “We are announcing the Gospel that welcomes the stranger and we will denounce those that block immigration reform.” I’ve not taken a position on the current immigration reform efforts, but an... Read more

August 8, 2013

I’m pleased at last to present the final installment of this series on remaining faithful in your college years, from two Christian academics and philosophers I greatly respect, Douglas Groothuis and Sarah Geis. As with all guest posters, their opinions (and book recommendations in this case) are their own, and the title is mine. I’d encourage you to leave your own book recommendations in the comments. * Faithful Christianity in College, Part 3 By Douglas Groothuis and Sarah Geis   In... Read more

August 8, 2013

I was recently invited by a friend at Sojourners to host some content from the Evangelical Immigration Table.   This has been a contentious issue, and I’ve not taken a side personally.  But I would like to have a better conversation amongst evangelicals concerning the reasons they do, or do not, wish to support the kinds of comprehensive immigration reform presently on the table (no pun intended).  So in the days to come I’ll be hosting a set of essays on... Read more

August 8, 2013

Editor’s Note: From my sainted father, who recently returned from a long visit to Africa with Medical Ambassadors International. * By Galen Dalrymple Africa. The “dark continent”. The very names conjures images of vast and parched deserts, jungles and rain forests, savanna as far as the eye can see, mountains, waterfalls, lakes, rivers. Even without coming to this place, one can almost hear the drumming of an African village and can visualize the wildlife safari of one’s dreams at the... Read more

July 31, 2013

The video interview (which was only broadcast online) from Lauren Green of Fox News of Reza Aslan is a train wreck of an interview and it must have been painful for both the interviewer and the interviewee, much though it has benefited the latter.  In case you missed it, a long-serving but relatively anonymous Fox News religion journalist, Lauren Green, had Reza Aslan on her show to discuss his new book, Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.  She... Read more

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