In the Sicknesses that Pierce the Heart, Pray for Sisters and Nuns

In the Sicknesses that Pierce the Heart, Pray for Sisters and Nuns March 10, 2015

shutterstock_49705123 elderly nunBeloved Mother Mary, we ask that you enter the hearts of our Sisters and Nuns and console them in their sickness.  Give them strength to face the sicknesses that pierce our bodies: cancers, viruses, the diseases of heart and lungs. Give them courage to face the illnesses that impair our minds and rob us of thought: Alzheimer, strokes, and others that diminish our ability to perceive the world. In their time of physical trials there may be fear, resentments, confusion or doubts and a weakening of faith as they themselves become weaker.

Cradle them Mother in your arms, give solace to their aching hearts, lessen their disappointment in their infirmities, guide them to pray more deeply in their sufferings. We ask all this in Jesus name. Amen.

(Image by Masson, courtesy


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