Transformed by God’s Word

Transformed by God’s Word February 24, 2016

Binz Book sizedThis is a lovely book by Stephen Binz about seeing anew the power of Lectio Divina when combined with Visio Divina, praying with icons. The images of icons are created by Ruta and Kaspars Poikans.

Sometimes Lectio Divina can become stale, performed out of love for God’s word instead of embraced with delight at what he might be saying to us. This book brings its readers to illumination, a visual sense combined with The Word brightening the mind.

The author walks you along a path of “formative experience” beginning with the familiar; listening deeply to a scripture as it is being read. With a short reflection we are moved into the Visio, gazing upon the wonderfully created icons that are exceptionally detailed for a non-glossy print. Looking at the images–the tilt of a head, position of hands, stance of a body–the scripture comes alive with deeper clarity.

It doesn’t stop there! We continue the faith journey as if walking through a garden with questions of, “Did you see that bud or small fruit, and had you noticed how the twist along the way enhanced the beauty?” Binz asks us to look about and within to see what seeds have been planted, and what fruits we will bear.

The author and artists skillfully unite The Word and icons in beautiful prayer, allowing us to enter into a healing and enlightening encounter with Our Lord.

With 20 meditations, it is an excellent choice for later in Lent to encourage you towards a personal resurrection at Easter.

I recommend this book for the beginner or the well travelled. It is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or from the publisher Ave Maria Press.

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