September 1, 2015

You get panicked? Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, shares a five-step process for grounding from an anonymous source. Read more

August 27, 2015

In her ministry, Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, continues to offer weekly prayers for our Catholic priests. Won't you join in the prayers? Read more

August 26, 2015

Need a break from all the badness? Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, offers a reprieve with 5 beautiful things found in her day. Read more

August 25, 2015

Jesus is the crown for all who believe. Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, offers prayers through Jesus for out Sisters and Nuns. Read more

August 20, 2015

Priests have a demanding vocation. Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, offers prayers to intercede to Our Lord on their behalf. Read more

August 19, 2015

There is a harsh reality to consuming the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ. Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, shares thoughts on a meal not casually eaten. Read more

August 18, 2015

Being a Sister or Nun is a calling. Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, offers prayers for the vocations of our holy women. Read more

August 15, 2015

Mary gardens are one of the most popular gardens created for the home. Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, offers a way to honor the Assumption of Mary with symbolic flowers. Read more

August 13, 2015

Catholic priests are in need of prayers. Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB, offers this prayer for our men in black. Read more

August 12, 2015

Forgiveness is difficult. Sometimes forgiveness of our own mistakes is a greater challenge. Read more

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