5 Groups of People to Ignore When They Talk About the Encyclical

5 Groups of People to Ignore When They Talk About the Encyclical June 18, 2015

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by squidish Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by squidish Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by

By their agendas you shall know them.

In our agenda-laden society, you can almost write the scripts ahead of time for certain groups’ reactions to Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment. In fact, you could have written what they are going to say six months ago, or a year ago.

Stretching it a bit further, I think you could have predicted how most of these people would have responded to this situation 10 years ago.

These are people who don’t have to read the Encyclical to know what they think of it, because they aren’t paid to think. They make their $$ by following a party line and spitting that party line out on command. They have no part in informing the rest of us, even though they may be working for what claims to be a news organization.

Their jobs are to shape our views by the use of propaganda, not to inform us so that we can come to our own conclusions.

These are good people to ignore. One of my goals here at Public Catholic is to help you see through these propaganda machines and think for yourselves.

Here are 5 of these groups to ignore on the subject of the Encyclical, or indeed on most any serious topic.

1. Anyone who makes their $$ selling a political viewpoint to the detriment of the truth and common decency. This group includes the Rush Limbaughs, Rachel Maddows, Michael Savages and other crazy means of the media. Don’t look to any of them for a factual or even slightly accurate rundown on the Encyclical. If you can’t predict what they’re going to say before they even read the Encyclical, you probably don’t know who they are, anyway.

2. Anyone who makes their $$$ by bashing Christians, Catholics in particular. This includes almost all atheist bloggers. Again, you can predict what they’re going to say before they read the Encyclical. If they make their money trading on Christian bashing and anti-Catholic bigotry, their opinions shouldn’t matter to you.

3. Politicians of either party who are currently raising large amounts of $$ for a political campaign. These folks will dance to the tune of whoever gives them the money to win their election. Each political party has its favorite watering troughs, but unknown to most voters, both political parties also go to the same troughs for a lot of their $. That’s because buying government is so cheap compared to the payback that it’s good money well spent to just buy everybody. None of these people will speak with authenticity and personal integrity about this Encyclical. Not one of them.

4. Catholics who hate the Church. Sadly, there are groups of Catholics out there who can not say a good word about our Church. I don’t now what’s wrong with them. But I think they are so angry and full of rage that their opinions can not be taken seriously.

5. People who just repeat words like Marxist without the first clue what they mean. Also people who repeat things they’ve heard from numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in a monkey see, monkey do fashion. They simply have nothing to contribute to the discussion since, for whatever reason, they have chosen not to engage their brains.


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