April 3, 2020

According to the Independent, the first tests of a potential coronavirus vaccine are promising. The vaccine, which was developed by American scientists, generates enough antibodies in mice to protect them from the COVID-19 (coronavirus) Virus. It takes about two weeks for the antibodies develop. The next step is to apply for permits to begin testing the vaccine in humans. This does not mean that a vaccine will be available right away. In addition to the testing that is necessary, the... Read more

April 2, 2020

I’ve been reading comments from what I can only describe as internet nuts, carrying on like the crazies they are about the horror of not holding church services.  I know that people are unaware just how crazy they sound when they tap out their basement thoughts on the internet. I’m also aware that most of them would not behave this way in person.  But it’s still disturbing, reading the things a few people give themselves permission to say on venues... Read more

April 2, 2020

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your Presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there If I take the wings of the morning And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall sustain me.  Psalm 139. We’re not going to church this Easter. We’re staying home.  But that does not... Read more

April 1, 2020

President Trump has threatened legal action against tv stations that run a political ad that uses his own words, in his own voice, against him. The ad, which was put out by Priorities USA, simply uses Trump’s own words about the Coronavirus in the weeks leading up to the situation we are in right now. It does not detail how Trump’s own advisers were warning him that a pandemic was coming weeks in advance of this. It does not detail... Read more

March 31, 2020

I don’t think I’ve ever prayed harder than I did after President Trump announced that he was going to re-open the economy at Easter. If he had gone through with that plan, it would have brought down an immeasurable tragedy on the American people.  I don’t think that my prayers turned the day, although prayer from anyone is a powerful connection with the Power that holds all life and existence in existence.  Without the love of God, nothing, anywhere, would... Read more

March 30, 2020

I am back. Unwillingly, but back.  I’ve just spent four days in prayer, and to be honest, I don’t much want to leave that oasis. I could stay there forever. The wonderful thing is that one day I will get to stay there forever, and do it for real.  Have you ever noticed how good we are at imagining hell? Our movies, poetry, sermons seem to find it easy to foresee hell. We can go lurid in our imaginings, complete... Read more

March 26, 2020

I am taking a few days for prayer. I’ll be back Monday. Read more

March 25, 2020

We are entering a new, dark phase in American history. The President of the United States lied and prevaricated and did nothing to get this nation ready for a pandemic that his own advisers had told him was coming. He has now made it clear that he intends to deliberately and with full knowledge of what he is doing sacrifice the lives of  a minimum of around 5% of the population in order to get the economy going. It is... Read more

March 24, 2020

There have been a lot of lies circulating about what the Democrats are putting in their stimulus package. I believe this is mainly being done to cover up what the Rs are trying to do, which is to create a slush fund to be administered indirectly by the president. Trump himself confirmed this in a press conference Monday in which he answered the question about who would provide accountability for the approximately $500 billion slush fund the Republican bill would... Read more

March 24, 2020

So now some of the so-called pro life people in the Republican Party are pushing for indirectly euthanizing elderly people for the sake of the economy.  This isn’t coming from rank and file pseudo pro life people. It’s coming for the top tier of political pro lifers who got elected by singing the song of the sanctity of human life. The Lt Governor of Texas got on national tv and went all-out backing it. Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick went on... Read more

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