March 13, 2020

A lot has happened while I’ve been busy with my mama.  The stock market has crashed.  Joe Biden has moved to a commanding lead in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.  We’ve begun bombing Iraq. And, of course, there’s the coronavirus.  That name, “coronavirus,” sounds like we’re talking about a cross between a beer and a tiara, with a disease thrown in for spice.  Actually, that’s not too far from the truth. The virus itself looks a bit like... Read more

February 24, 2020

Here’s the story. A group of American bishops from what news reports characterize as the American Southwest had a lengthy audience with Pope Francis. I am assuming that there was at least an implicit understanding that this conversation was off the record. That’s the way these things go among elected officials. It’s a trust-me deal in which people know good and well that they aren’t supposed to go out and jump in front of a microphone, or sneak around to... Read more

February 24, 2020

Tick-tock, tick-tock. The pandemic clock is ticking on the Coronavirus. For several weeks now, all the king’s horses and men of international cooperation have managed to keep the virus more or less confined to a regional outbreak. China has taken most of the hit, with only a few other cases scattered around the world. Now, the number of cases in locations outside China is slowly building. It’s like a spark that becomes a blaze and then, if the winds change,... Read more

February 24, 2020

Bernie Sanders has come out with an expensive but absolutely necessary 1.5 trillion child care plan. Senator Elizabeth Warren also has a plan to provide for child care costs for working families. I can hear the nay-sayers now, all agog about who will pay for this. Maybe we could roll back the massive tax cuts that George Bush II gave to the wealthy, or trim the tax cuts that billionaire Trump gave to himself and other billionaires. If they started... Read more

February 24, 2020

Jesus didn’t cancel the Ten Commandments. They are still the spine on which all our morality stands.  Jesus completed the Ten Commandments. If the Ten Commandments, the thou shalt nots, are the spine on which morality stands, then the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes are the arms, legs, and beating heart of that morality.  You cannot follow Jesus and ignore everything He taught and said. You cannot label the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount as “impractical... Read more

February 21, 2020

Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. I came to accomplish their purpose. Jesus Christ Jesus Christ did not cancel the Law and the Prophets of the Old Covenant. He fulfilled them.  The old law called for atonement through repeated blood sacrifice. Mary and Joseph engaged in blood sacrifice when they offered two turtledoves at the Temple as ransom for Jesus.  Notice what I said. They “ransomed”... Read more

February 21, 2020

Cardinal Pell’s petition to overturn his conviction for sexual abuse will be heard in the High Court of Australia March 11-12. The Cardinal’s first appeal was dismissed in a two to one decision last August. If the upcoming appeal fails, the Cardinal has no other appeals left and will have to serve at least the remaining minimum of his sentence, which would keep him behind bars for another three years and eight months. Cardinal Pell’s conviction created controversy around the... Read more

February 20, 2020

It’s late in the month to publish this. But I missed it when it first came out. Here is the Pope’s prayer intentions for February 2020. Even though it’s deep into the month, there’s still plenty of time to add these intentions to your daily Rosary. Pray on, brothers and sisters, and when you pray, remember the Holy Father’s intentions. Read more

February 20, 2020

The former United States Congressman who Julian Assange’s attorney said offered Assange a pardon from President Trump in exchange for Assange covering for the Russians has confirmed that he did in fact make such an offer. The former congressman, Dana Rohrbacher, says that he contacted Assange and offered to go to President Trump and ask him to grant a pardon to Assange if Assange would say that the source of the Wikileaks attacks that helped elect Trump did not come... Read more

February 20, 2020

Pope Francis is an Italian tv star. He has his own series, an eight-part series of interviews in which the Holy Father will offer his thoughts on the Nicene Creed. During the first installment, which aired Monday, Pope Francis affirmed what Catholic and other Christians have always known: The devil is real. “Some say: ‘No, Satan does not exist: we have something bad inside, because of our material, spiritual or psychological diseases, and thus we have this tendency to evil,’”... Read more

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