An Open Letter of Gratitude to Police Officers

An Open Letter of Gratitude to Police Officers May 11, 2015


Dear police officers:

I feel like this needs to be said. I’ve spent plenty of time talking about white privilege, systemic racism, and instances of police brutality. Those issues are real and desperately need to be dealt with. We must not turn a blind eye to these issues.

But at the same time, I think sometimes I forget simply to say thank you to you,  the brave souls who do put their lives on the line each and every day to help ensure a safe society. Police officers choose to deal with complex, dangerous, and confusing situations in the underbelly of society, situations to which most of us get the privilege of turning a blind eye.

Police officers daily must see the worst elements of humanity. It must be tremendously hard to avoid cynicism. I can relate to this part (though not the physical danger) a little bit. In church leadership, one also encounters the worst of humanity; the flip side is that one also gets to see some of the best of humanity and this helps. Still, even in church leadership, cynicism and fatalism become occupational hazards.

That so many police officers operate under extreme pressure with professionalism and show respect to those who do not always return the favor is a credit to them. That so many do this even when wondering whether their life will be in danger is yet more of a credit to them.

I want to say thank you to the many good police officers who serve our communities, keep us safe, protect the abused, keep getting up and going each and every day, and do it all for low pay and little thanks. Thank you for the many times you choose to be professional and respectful and calm, even when what is thrown at you is the complete opposite. Thank you for being so kind and tender to women and children and victims of abuse so much of the time. Thank you for choosing to walk into the middle of complex, messy situations and still be there and try to do the right thing. I’m lifting up a prayer for you today, for your safety, for wisdom, for courage.

If I speak out against systemic problems in police departments or against wrong actions by individuals, please know that doesn’t detract from my appreciation of and respect for you and the difficult, complex job you do each and every day. Thank you for being willing to serve.

With respect,

A grateful citizen

photo credit: 31.BrianGibson.Funeral.SE.WDC.10February1997 via photopin (license)

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