About Rebecca


As a first-time visitor to a blog, I search for a portrait of the writer in a nutshell. Here’s mine:

**My life has been a moving experience. No, really–a lot of moving. I’ve spent time in Nebraska, Iowa, California, Costa Rica, Haiti, Mexico, Delaware, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana. This has meant lots of adapting and always experiencing life cross-culturally.

**My missionary parents became divorced parents and then remarried, leading to step-family situations.

**I was home-schooled for most of my life. This made me an independent thinker and gave me a hunger for learning.

**I have experienced lots of different church situations: conservative evangelical, Pentecostal, international, Methodist, Lutheran, liberal Protestant. I’ve now landed in a good fit: Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (very Lutheran but connected to my conservative evangelical roots too).

**My husband, Christopher, and I met and fell in love in seminary.

**My husband and I served as pastors of a two-point parish in rural North Dakota for 3 1/2 years. I loved preaching, teaching, and the opportunities I had to build deeper relationships. But it was a hard time for me too, especially after my daughter was born. Balancing ministry and motherhood is no easy task.

**In 2011, I moved to Montana with my family and decided to stay home with my daughter. My son was born a little later.

**Right now, I’m happy engaging in the vocations of writer and editor and doing volunteer ministry. I’ve written for Christ and Pop Culture, Christianity Today Movies and TV, and Christian Bible Studies, among other publications. To find out more about my writing and editing business, click over to my website.

**The most important thing in my life is my faith in Jesus Christ. He has saved me and is saving me. He speaks to me through the Bible and convicts me of sin and brings me new life.

Want to contact me? Go here.