The Armor of Light and a Town Hall about Guns in America on PBS TONIGHT

The Armor of Light and a Town Hall about Guns in America on PBS TONIGHT May 10, 2016

If my past review of The Armor of Light (a film about Rev. Rob Schenck, a pro-life pastor who has begun to speak out about American evangelicals’ love affair with guns) got your attention, you have an opportunity to see this amazing documentary on PBS’s Independent Lens tonight. You can find a lot more information on the Independent Lens website. The documentary will be followed by a town hall meeting called Guns in America. In the past, Independent Lens documentaries have been available on the PBS streaming channel and app sometime shortly after broadcast. So, if you can’t watch tonight, keep an eye out on the streaming channel. This documentary is eminently worth your time, no matter where you are in the debate over guns.

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