December 7, 2020

Listen to the podcast on your favorite app: Or watch it on YouTube: Episode Description: God’s invitation for us to join his mission in our every-day lives What are we saved for? God’s inviting us to join his mission to reconcile all things back to himself. JR Rozko helps Bob and Brendan understand the connections between salvation, discipleship, and mission. Salvation is the embodied experience of participating in what God is now doing in the world. “Discipleship is less about... Read more

October 27, 2020

Listen to the podcast on your favorite app: Or watch it on YouTube: Episode Description: Stephanie Summers discusses with Bob and Brendan ideas for civic engagement that faithfully seeks to further public justice in both our nation but also our local contexts. They discuss how to actively discuss public policy and candidates with others without the trappings of political punditry, which seems to end with everyone hating each other. Christians wanting holistic approaches to political engagement have not been given... Read more

October 20, 2020

How to serve our neighbors as citizens, as members of the political community. by Stephanie Summers Chief Executive Officer, The Center for Public Justice, Washington D.C. A US Senator had finished his remarks and was taking questions from a group of college students who were visiting Capitol Hill. I was the next speaker and was rapidly revising my talk to respectfully address some troubling aspects of the Senator’s comments. The Senator stated, “The most important thing for Christians to know... Read more

October 13, 2020

Listen to the podcast on your favorite app: Or watch it on YouTube: Episode Description: How have the various political ideologies become idolatries? We have David Koyzis on to guide us through the strengths and weaknesses of each of them – Liberalism, Conservatism, Nationalism, Democracy, and Socialism. This is a crash-course in political science during the election season from one of our generation’s best thinkers on the subject. David T. Koyzis earned his Ph.D. in government and international studies from... Read more

October 6, 2020

 Listen to the podcast on your favorite app: Or watch it on YouTube:   Episode Description: 2020 has been an incredible year of turmoil. It is the first year of a decade that promises to have lots of challenges. Tom Sine and Dwight Friesen are the authors of a fresh new book, 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerated Change. Brendan and Bob discuss with them how these three vital practices can prepare young... Read more

September 22, 2020

Listen to the podcast on your favorite app: Or watch it on YouTube:   Episode Description: We are experiencing disunity in ever-increasing ways. We are feeling it especially in 2020. How did we get here? According to Genesis, God created an integrated world, where we could live in harmony. But sin has dis-integrated everything. Sin breaks these loving relationships. Therefore, what is the grand plan of God? “To unite all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth!”... Read more

September 11, 2020

[ The Politics of Shalom, Part 1 ] In this series of blog posts, I will seek to offer some foundational principles for how Christians can better engage in the political process. Many Christians are looking for another way to navigate our political landscape. The Religious Right has taught us that the only way to think politically is through electing presidents and legislators who will fight back against the rise of secular humanism in our society. They’ve convinced a vast... Read more

September 8, 2020

  Listen to the podcast on your favorite app Or watch it on YouTube How do we reintegrate the Christian faith with how we watch movies? We can go to the movies to just be entertained or escape for a couple hours or we can seek to look closer and dig deeper. What do the stories and characters in today’s movies tell us about the human condition? How can art teach us things that we may not understand in any... Read more

September 5, 2020

As someone who seeks to help people discover their vocations, I’ve been asked this on more than one occasion: What’s the difference between a “Job” and a “Vocation?” We want more than a “job;” we want something bigger, something more meaningful, something that makes us want to get up in the morning. What makes our work a “vocation?” Here are some helpful contrasts: Job – The etymology of the word “job” is from the late 1500s, a “jobbe of worke”... Read more

September 1, 2020

  Listen to the podcast on your favorite app Or watch it on YouTube In this podcast, we continue our discussion with Dr. John Fea. Professor of American History at Messiah University. He provides a historical framework for understanding the rise of the Religious Right and the political environment that led to evangelicals embracing Donald Trump in the 2016 election. We discuss the political playbook of the Religious Right that has limited the strategy to overturning Roe v Wade with... Read more

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