June 14, 2018

I serve as a campus minister at the University of Colorado in Boulder. This city is over a mile above sea level and many young adults end up getting their stomachs pumped due to alcohol poisoning – especially in the fall when students who are living away from home for the first time and without their parents control drink – a lot. I make it a point to tell as many of these young people as possible about the nuances... Read more

May 24, 2018

What has come to pass as “conventional/popular Christianity” — isn’t what Christianity is actually about. It’s time for progressive Christianity. Friends, Jesus isn’t God. Jesus didn’t die for our sins. Jesus wasn’t killed instead of us. God isn’t wrathful or vindictive. There isn’t a hell (other than ones that we create here on this earth). Going to heaven after we die isn’t what the faith or salvation is about. God didn’t write the Bible. There isn’t going to be a... Read more

April 19, 2018

Planet Earth is at risk. It is actively under attack and there is much blame to go around. It’d be easy to point numerous fingers at the abhorrent policies coming from a certain administration – really easy – but the truth is we’re all complicit. Another truth is that “It is better promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.” With this in mind, I offer a poem to help inspire more of us, and perhaps especially men,... Read more

March 27, 2018

Special Edition featuring a Guest writer: —– “The post I wrote on Facebook about my transgender foster daughter was shared so many times yesterday it ultimately got picked up by Kissing Fish, a favorite page on FB run by an open and affirming United Methodist pastor & author, Roger Wolsey. My post on the Kissing Fish fan page (for Roger’s book) was liked 1.9 thousand times and shared 418 times (as of March 27). …I truly am an introvert who... Read more

February 23, 2018

Ever since the tragic mass shooting at the high school in Florida last week, I’ve been engaged in daily advocacy for the U.S. to finally and firmly establish sensible gun laws to help reduce the number of mass shootings that take place every year. Hardly a day goes by without someone (most always a male) who has made an idolatrous fetish out of the 2nd Amendment engaging in one of the following attempts at cherry-picked proof-texting to back up their... Read more

February 14, 2018

You may notice something today something dirty, something dusty. What you’ll see are – ashes. You’ll see some peculiar people around town who have ashy faces. The first one you come to may been someone who smiles at you. And if you’re feeling a bit “engaged” or “compassionate,” you may awkwardly point toward his or her face and say “Um… Say, You’ve got a little something on your forehead, up there right above your glasses.” If you have a tissue,... Read more

February 9, 2018

In honor of the supermoons that that will take place this year, and in the next few years, here’s a poignant message I shared in light of the supermoon back in November 2016. It still applies. —- Tonight the moon will look the biggest it will look – for decades. We’re having a Super Moon and at 6:22 AM EST tomorrow morning, the Earth will be the closest it’s been to the moon since 1948 and it won’t be that close... Read more

January 17, 2018

The current collapse of Cryptocurrencies is like the current collapse of Christianity. At the moment, people are selling off crypto in droves and Westerners are disassociating from Christianity like it’s the plague. The rumors of the death of Crypto, Christ/Christianity, are sorely over-stated. Collapse doesn’t mean death. In the case of these two concepts, collapse is a needed course correction to allow what are blessed gifts to the world to be honed, take root, and emerege to make needed change... Read more

January 5, 2018

We’ve taken another trip ‘round our Sun. It’s the start of another new year. What to do with it? How shall we live it? As poet Mary Oliver put is, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Pondering our life ahead can seem like looking into an opaque and misty crystal ball, or like entering into a mysterious maze rife with all manner of pits to fall into, countless places to... Read more

December 22, 2017

“P” is for Poetry To better help people understand the difference between liberal Christianity and progressive Christianity, I’ve referred to what I call the “The 11 Ps of Progressive Christianity“: * Postmodern * Passionate * Poetic * Prophetic/Political * Prayerful * Practical/Practice/Praxis/orthoPraxy * Paradoxical * Pro-LGBTQI * Peaceful/Pacifist * Panentheistic * Pluralistic. It is the third of those three that I intend to convey at this time. Over the years I’ve put forth the following assertions: 

“..Christians rightfully honor and... Read more

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