March 17, 2015

I’m not sure where the phrase “The Bible is not the Word of God; Jesus is” originated. The first time I heard the phrase, though, (on Rachel Held Evan’s blog) it was just short of life-changing. It became my go-to answer to those who used the Bible as a weapon to hurt me or others. I say this show that I see how the phrase can be extremely liberating to those who are used to being oppressed by harmful Biblical... Read more

March 16, 2015

More and more millennials are accepting evolution as true, and society’s attitude toward evolution is, well, evolving. Even many evangelical Christians are embracing the reality of evolution, and joining the ranks of Christians who have found a way to reconcile science and their faith. But there is still pushback, and not only from within evangelical Christianity. One example is a recent article by Greta Christina (who is an atheist) entitled, “Why You Can’t Reconcile God and Evolution.” I want to be fair... Read more

March 8, 2015

Content Note for discussion of racism, and images depicting slavery and genocide As you may know, I recently took a trip with my spouse to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. I’ve already documented my experience in blog form, and have written about some of the “subtle” sexist and hetero and cisnormative agendas behind the place. I’d also like to talk briefly about the…interesting…way the Creation Museum handles the topic of race. As a white person, I want to trend carefully... Read more

February 25, 2015

Full disclosure: Dianna Anderson is a close friend of mine, and has been since before she started writing Damaged Goods. She did not ask me to write this review, but I fully believe her book is an important one. I will try to be as honest as I can in this review, but of course I have some friendship bias. 🙂  ——- Let me start by saying that I think Damaged Goods has something for everyone: for the atheist feminist wanting to know more... Read more

February 20, 2015

I recently took a trip to the Creation Museum. That’s right. If you haven’t heard, there’s an entire museum in Kentucky dedicated to teaching people that evolution is wrong, and the earth (and all of the life on it) was created by God in six literal days, less than 10,000 years ago. If you want to know what kind of messages the museum is pushing, check out my recent post, 16 Things That Happened When I Went To The Creation Museum.... Read more

February 8, 2015

Back in December, my partner Abe and I went on a mini-vacation to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. We were able to do so because of the kindness of some friends (who let us spend the night at their apartment), and some generous donors who helped me raise the money for the tickets and gas. Special thanks to: Joe and Christy, our friends who let us sleep on their air mattress Anonymous (donor) Teresa Kingsbury (donor) Abe (for accompanying me... Read more

February 2, 2015

It’s been a while since I hit publish on a blog post. I’ve heard that blogging is dead, but that’s not why I’ve been avoiding logging in to WordPress lately. After all, I’m a Christian and we’re supposed to be a Resurrection People, right? I mean, at the very least, I enjoy a good zombie film. Anyway, regardless of whether or not blogging is, in fact, dead, I plan on jumping back into the blogging world this week. I have some... Read more

December 8, 2014

It’s that time of year again! My friend Rod is hosting the second annual #TheNewPacifism synchroblog over at Political Jesus. This synchroblog is for starting new conversations about pacifism, in light of privilege, injustice, and the intersections of gender, race, class, queerness, and other factors. Last year I contributed with my series on Privileged Pacifism. Be sure to check out #TheNewPacifism! This year’s theme is The Cost of Peace. Read, tweet, or contribute your own posts. You can write these posts on your... Read more

November 19, 2014

It’s that time of year again! My friend Rod is hosting the second annual #TheNewPacifism synchroblog over at Political Jesus. This synchroblog is for starting new conversations about pacifism, in light of privilege, injustice, and the intersections of gender, race, class, queerness, and other factors. Last year I contributed with my series on Privileged Pacifism. I have a few posts up my sleeve this year as well, and here’s the first. Be sure to check out #TheNewPacifism! This year’s theme is... Read more

November 5, 2014

I was pretty upset by a recent post by Jesus Feminist author, Sarah Bessey, in which she conflated BDSM and abuse, shaming those who participated, and excluding them from her brand of “Jesus following.” I found it inaccurate, dishonest, and harmful. So, today, I am glad to host a guest post by an anonymous kinky Christian, responding to Bessey. Please be respectful in the comments.  [Content Note: Self-Injury] —— Introductions: I’m 25, cis female, bisexual, white. Raised in a moderate, mainline Protestant... Read more

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