What’s the Real Story of Easter? (and Why Does it Matter?)

What’s the Real Story of Easter? (and Why Does it Matter?) April 3, 2015

With Jesus, we don’t have to worry about working our way to Heaven. All of our mistakes and failures we’ve committed in the past and will commit in the future were paid for by Jesus on the cross. Now here’s the best part… it’s free! Well, accepting Jesus’ love for us is free. He paid a great price.  All you have to do is invite him into your heart and life and the rest is gravy.

As you may know, I do a lot of public speaking and have had the opportunity to share my testimony of how God’s love has impacted my life with thousands of people around the country. Here’s something I always stress during my speeches: God really does love you. It’s not a distant kind of love or even a parental type of love.

It goes much deeper.

God’s love is intimate and infinite. He isn’t put off by the terrible things you’ve done in your past, he just wants you to seek him and love him the way he loves you. So often, we think God is angry with us because of the things we’ve done, but that’s simply not true. God is standing next to you with his arms wide open asking you to come back to him.

They don’t call it the “good news” for nothing.

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