Getting Dirty

Getting Dirty July 18, 2015

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I’ve recently been confronted with the idea that sometimes I have to get dirty – in my faith that is.

Everyone knows that Jesus spent a good chunk of his time with those who were considered “sinners”. Of course we know that we are all sinners but Jesus was looked down on for spending time with the downtrodden, tax collectors, prostitutes and lepers. If you study the gospels, you’ll come to understand why Jesus spent his time with these people and not the pious Pharisees and Sadducees (religious aristocrats). Jesus teaches that everyone, no matter what you’ve done in your life, can receive salvation through Him. And that’s why we see Jesus spending time with these unsavory characters. He doesn’t care about their pasts and he knows they’re ready to receive his message, meanwhile the Pharisees and Sadducees think they know it all already and fail to recognize Jesus as Lord. 

So back to me. I’ve realized lately that I’ve been way too comfortable in my “faith bubble”. Catherine and I have great Christian friends whom we hang out with all the time, we go to a great church and we go to a bible study twice a month with other Christian couples. So as I examine my life as it stands, I realize I’m not being like Jesus. I need to get dirty like Jesus. I need to put myself in situations, sometimes uncomfortable situations, that allow for me to share my faith with those who so desperately need to hear it. There are so many people out there who feel like that even if there were a God, he wouldn’t love them and there are others who have been beaten down by so many bad things in life that they’ve given up all hope for a better future. These are the people I need to spend time with. It’s my job as a Christian to show that there is hope and redemption through Jesus.

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