It’s our 17th anniversary SALE-abration!

It’s our 17th anniversary SALE-abration! October 25, 2014

I can’t even believe I just said that.

Anyway, tomorrow is my and Damien’s 17th wedding anniversary, which we will be celebrating with great joy, eventually. Heck, we’ve kept it together for seventeen years, more or less, so I guess we can hold out for one more week.

Seemed like as good a time as any to put my dear beloved ebook back on sale. I wish I could put the paperback or audiobook on sale, but the ebook is the only one I control. The price is now as low as Amazon will let me set it: $2.99.


sinners guide to nfp cover


Here is an excerpt from a recent review that I really liked:

The chapter on discerning when to use NFP, and when not to, is well balanced and empowering. The chapter on free will and discerning God’s will is brilliant, easy to understand and should be cut and pasted into any book about discerning God’s will for your life! The chapter on laughing and sex is helpful and also very amusing. Her chapter on what husbands and wives can do for each other is also helpful, but all these things do not make the book as valuable as the main thread of her argument that runs through each chapter.

Fisher’s main point is this: sex is for grown-ups. So if you want fantastic sex, you need to grow up! When we are childish, petulant, selfish and lazy in our approach to sex, it will be disappointing to say the least. So the struggles with married life are a gift in that, learning to be a grown-up in our most intimate relationship not only makes that relationship much more fun, frolicsome and fulfilling, it teaches us to be grown-ups in every other aspect of our lives. In short, marriage helps us grow in holiness.

I like that very much. Happy anniversary to us!

anniversary pic 1

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