Grace & Grotesque: Flannery O’Connor on the page and screen

Grace & Grotesque: Flannery O’Connor on the page and screen July 8, 2009


Flannery O'Connor 1925 - 1964
Flannery O'Connor 1925 - 1964

AMERICA magazine ran an excellent article on the American Catholic novelist Flannery O’Connor in their June 22, 2009 issue. Here is a link to it: Grace and Grotesque: Flannery O’Connor on the page and screen by Jon M. Sweeney.

Sweeney quotes a Nigerian priest who is a writer as well: ““I’m fascinated” he said, “by her incredible understanding of the dynamics of sin and grace in the modern world. I find her work very sacramental and powerful. I’m happy, too, that she was a person of faith who refrained from writing didactic and saccharine stuff.”

Read on…. Flannery O’Connor is a writer for our time.

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