Samson & Delilah: Australian Film wins awards and enters Oscar race

Samson & Delilah: Australian Film wins awards and enters Oscar race December 15, 2009

Last month Sr. Hosea and I attended a screening of this powerful Australian film about two Aboriginal teens that learn to survive in a social and natural environment that has nothing to offer them but poverty and death. As with the best Australian films, the landscape plays a key role in the story, as context and antagonist. Director/writer Warwick Thornton tells the story with deliberate restraint that comes from a deep understanding of the people he is talking about.

“Samson and Delilah” is the Australian entry for the upcoming Academy Awards.

From today’s edition of the Australian entertainment news outlet

“Warwick Thornton’s Samson & Delilah has proved its critical prowess once again, this time at Australia’s most prestigious awards ceremony, the Australian Film Institute (AFI) Awards, held Dec 12 in Melbourne

… read more  Samson & Delilah continues winning streak at AFI Awards

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