If you had to pick one of these …

If you had to pick one of these … October 22, 2014

I’m not a designer, but I’m hoping the cover isn’t quite as important for an e-book as it would be for an actual, physical, dead-tree book of the traditional variety, which this won’t be.

Having said that, here are some rough ideas. The first two are pretty clearly playing off the original cover for Left Behind, and I’m not pleased with how either one turned out. The third one seems more in keeping with the working title used here. (It’s also a concession to the idea that, if it’s gonna be ugly, might as well make it simple and ugly.)









So, then, two things:

1. Any preferences among those? Or would the general consensus be, “Ugh, none of them”?

2. This would be a collection of the first couple years’ worth of Left Behind posts, covering the first 200 pages of the first book. (At about 80,000 words, I suspect it’s actually longer than the first 200 pages of that book.) It’s a slightly cleaner, more convenient repackaging of material that all has been and will continue to be available for free in the archives here. Anybody have a good sense of what a proper/right/fair/sensible price would be for something like that?



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