July 16, 2020

In my experience over the past 29 years, I’ve discovered that 98% of all health issues (including weight issues) have a mental & emotional cause behind them. I’ve also seen that each aura color personality type has a tendency toward specific health issues and weaknesses when they are unhappy or out of power. And each has specific steps they can take to stay healthy or regain their health. What works for one color doesn’t always work for another color. The... Read more

March 31, 2020

Do you love your life or feel that something is missing? Do you want to live a lifestyle that fulfills the real you? Do you love your life or feel that something is missing? Do you want to live a lifestyle that fulfills the real you? We’re doing our best to help everyone discover their true purpose and live with joy so we’ve listed the life purposes and some of the best directions for the different aura color personalities. Once... Read more

March 2, 2020

Spring represents new birth, new life, new creations, new commitments, new perspectives, and new growth! This is the perfect season to bring new life to your dreams. It’s the ideal time to plant seeds of your ideas into the fertile and lush energy of the universe that is all around you. It’s also the time to melt off the old limiting beliefs that have kept you frozen in your tracks, to let go of the past wounds and disappointments that... Read more

December 31, 2019

Start the year off right by honoring your true aura colors and making this New Year’s resolution the most powerful yet. Once you discover your true aura colors (take the quiz here) – what physicists call the electromagnetic field – and the personality, emotions, and temperament they reflect, you can make a New Year’s resolution that will speed you on your way to living a fulfilling life. Yellow Auras Some Yellows are shy and sensitive; others are outgoing, playful, energetic, funny,... Read more

November 26, 2019

Some of you Green Auras are experiencing challenges right now with your work and finances – maybe you’re unfulfilled, struggling, or out of work completely. Here are helpful tips to help you make it through and maybe even thrive. A lot of you Green Auras have been laid off or your work and income have taken a dip – real estate agents, stockbrokers, financial planners, loan officers, bankers, non-profit fundraisers, business owners, and more. During the Depression – more Green... Read more

November 22, 2019

Since we’re moving into the holidays now – I thought I’d share some ideas some of the positive things you can bring to your gatherings with your aura colors. Yellow Auras – with your generous spirit, kind smile and sense of humor, you can keep people light and optimistic during these, sometimes, stressful times. You can remind your loved ones that life and the holidays are supposed to be fun. Keep them laughing. You’re also great at coming up with... Read more

November 18, 2019

You Crystal Auras are much more sensitive to energies than most of the other aura color personalities. So when people become more stressed and fearful than usual, it can really affect you. You can feel fearful – and not always understand why. One of the best ways for you to cope with this intense energy is to spend more time than usual in quiet reflection and meditation. It’s important for you to stay calm and centered. Other people can frantically... Read more

November 12, 2019

Here is some information to help Blue Auras stay healthy and balanced. Blue Auras tend to give and give and give. You’re the caretakers and emotionally supportive nurturers who lovingly tend to put everyone else’s needs before your own. It’s so hard for you Blue Auras to say “no” – fearing that you’ll make others feel unloved or abandoned, or that they won’t love you if you say “no.” The word “co-dependent” was created because of Blue Auras. We know... Read more

November 4, 2019

You may have connected with a Tan Aura if he or she… is practical, logical and responsible. prefers to earn a steady paycheck. has a job that deals with details (I.E. engineer, architect, computer programmer, bookkeeper, researcher) keeps most thoughts and feelings to himself/herself. is practical and conservative with money. is cautious when making decisions, needs to hear all the facts. consistently and steadily works for years – usually at the same company makes safe investments to plan for retirement.... Read more

October 23, 2019

For you Yellow Aura color personalities who are struggling with what to be when you “grow up” – here’s some fun information. (Because Yellow Auras need it to be fun.) First of all, how do you know if have a Yellow Aura ? If you look younger than your years; you like to laugh, smile, play, & cheer people up; you are either really sensitive & shy or have a great sense of humor; you want to please people and... Read more

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