Astrology of the US Presidential Election, Part Two

Astrology of the US Presidential Election, Part Two November 8, 2016

***Matthew Curry’s horoscope blog is coming soon to Patheos.***

image by pixabay
image by pixabay

Last time I pointed out how the current Neptune-South Node conjunction is making America appear to be more or less completely off its rocker, just in time for the presidential election. In fact I went so far as to declare the election would be lost by America itself. Nonetheless, many of you continue to look at this election in traditional terms and insist that there has to be a winner. Okay, here you go.

The winner of the 2016 United States presidential election will be Veles, Macedonia.

“Who is Veles Macedonia?”you’re probably asking. “Is he the star of a Mexican telenovela?” No. Veles Macedonia is a town of about 45,000 people in Central Europe. But how is it possible that this little town could be the big winner in the US election?

The answer is surprising. Transiting Neptune and the South Node are both Square the planet Uranus in the natal chart of the United States of America. This is leading to all the delusion and paranoia that I noted in my previous entry. However that conjunction is also closely trines the natal Sun of Villa’s Macedonia. A “square” is challenging, but a trine is usually considered to be a “good” aspect.

You see, whenever a particular transit is doing something adverse to one person’s birth chart, it’s going to do something good for someone else’s birth chart. Veles was “born” on November 9th — the year is a matter of question. Officially it was 1944, but the place has been settled for over a thousand years. However, having been born on November 9th, we know that the Sun in the town’s “birth chart” is at 16 or 17 degrees Scorpio… right where the Sun will be on Election Day. Meanwhile, that same Neptune-South Node conjunction will be is closely trine the town’s natal Saturn.

This implies that Veles will be able to gain benefit from the visionary and/or delusional nature of both Neptune and the South Node.

Why Veles? Because although it is a small town that is relatively undistinguished, it is the home of over 150 websites that have been making a fortune in the last year cranking out spurious news story after spurious news story about the United States election. You see, while you and all your friends were posting and reading all sorts of unsubstantiated nonsense on Facebook supporting your particular — things you should have known better than to believe, in all honesty — someone had to be producing that unsubstantiated nonsense, didn’t they?

While so many Americans were crouching in terror and shrieking in outrage at “foreigners” — whether illegal immigrants or Vladimir Putin or foreign donations to campaigns or Wikileaks or Julian Assange or the Chinese or whatever — it turns out that the whole electoral process has in fact been subverted by something as innocuous as the salmon mousse that killed everyone in Monty Python’s “The Meaning Of Life.” It wasn’t terrorists or religious fanatics who sold y’all the rope you’re hanging yourselves with. It was a few young dudes with spare time and an urge to make money The American Way: on the Internet. Their weapon wasn’t religion or politics. It was good old-fashioned free market Capitalism.


I love you America… my Captain America action figure is watching me as I type these very words… but you’ve got to admit this election has been a mess, and no matter which candidate wins, the well of Public Trust And Respect for the Executive Branch has been thoroughly poisoned for at least the next four years. But that’s okay. You’ve been through a civil war and helped beat Hitler, so I’m sure you’ll get through the next person you choose to start your next war.

Oh, yes. That’s coming too, by the way. Transiting Neptune is square America’s Uranus now, but by 2020 it will be square America’s Mars, which is at 21 degrees Gemini. You know Mars… the God of War. Yeah, that guy.

Stay tuned!


So: welcome to The Freak Show. Neptune is going to be in Pisces for years yet, and the one thing I can guarantee you is that things are going to get a lot stranger before they start making more sense. My apologies in advance… but at least soon you’ll have my regular forecasts here to guide you through the lunacy.

Now, on that note, let’s have a late great legend sing me off with a song about America’s future: a song that (as I observed last time about the American Anthem itself) is filled with violence and question marks.

Sailors, fighting in the dance hall.

Oh man! Look at those cavemen go —

It’s the freakiest show!

Take a look at the Lawman

Beating up the wrong guy

Oh man! Wonder if he’ll ever know — he’s in the best selling show?

Is there life on Mars?


Stick around, Dear Reader, and we’ll find the answer to that question together. I’ll be here for you.

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