Latest Planned Parenthood Video May Be Worse Than the First

Latest Planned Parenthood Video May Be Worse Than the First July 21, 2015


Last week I told you about the sickening video showing a top Planned Parenthood doctor describing the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts.  It was awful.

But it turns out that this video was not a one-time exchange. It was not the exception. It was the norm.

A new video was released today that shows yet another top Planned Parenthood executive haggling over the price of aborted babies’ body parts!

Townhall reports:

In their second released video Tuesday morning, a part of their almost 3-year investigation, CMP caught Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, Dr. Mary Gatter, also talking about selling fetal body parts with actors posing as buyers, ensuring them that she doesn’t want to “lowball” the price.

Gatter was nonchalant when suggesting she could ask surgeons to use certain abortion procedures that could keep the aborted baby “intact.” For instance, while a typical “suction” procedure would be insufficient, the TPAS (manual vacuum aspirator) option is “less crunchy,” requires less suction and would produce more “whole” specimens. She admitted using this procedure would violate their agreement with patients that they are totally upfront about the care they are getting, but said she wouldn’t “object” to asking her surgeons to do so anyway.

The video the doctor coldly joking about his grotesque actions:

Our nation has a soaring national debt over $18 trillion and yet we continue to give hundreds of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood every year.

What is Planned Parenthood doing? Murdering innocent babies and harvesting their organs to be sold.

Your taxpayer dollars at work.

Many have called for Congress to defund Planned Parenthood for years. But these latest videos show how grotesque their practices are. The curtain has been pulled back and no one can deny this evil anymore.

It’s time we defund Planned Parenthood once and for all.

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