Progressives Target Me Because I Think the American Dream is for Everyone

Progressives Target Me Because I Think the American Dream is for Everyone July 13, 2015

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Apparently by working hard and fighting to make the American Dream possible for anyone, I’m perpetuating white supremacy?!?

This is the argument from Stephany Rose, an associate professor of woman’s and ethnic studies at University of Colorado.

That is the most incoherent and destructive argument I have ever heard.

I responded to these crazy allegations in an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller:

In regards to Rose’s claims about the ‘American dream’ ideology, Dash contends that the American dream is not achieved by at an individual level, but instead can only be reached collectively as a society.

“Until we understand that we need each other, all of us, all of God’s creations,” Dash said to The Daily Caller, “The American dream will never be fully REALIZED nor achieved by anyone.”

“Specifically,” Dash said, “[Our] history must not dictate our future.”

You can read more of my statements here.

I am so thankful to live in a country where the daughter of a black father and a Mexican mother, who grew up in poverty in the Bronx, can rise above her circumstances through hard work and perseverance.

And I refuse to let anyone say that I should be anything less than proud of where I came from, where I am now, and where I am going!

It’s now clear that radical progressives are the ones that want to hold people back from achieving the American Dream.

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