Don’t compare me to race-baiting, white-nationalist-courting Ann Coulter

Don’t compare me to race-baiting, white-nationalist-courting Ann Coulter February 15, 2016

At the NAACP Image Awards, people got a laugh at my expense.

“Everybody give a round of applause for Stacey Dash,” host Anthony Anderson said in his opening monologue.  “What the hell is she doing? Doesn’t she know that the Fox network is using her? She’s just an Ann Coulter dipped in butterscotch.”

You can tell my arguments about black history month and channels-that-specialize-in-niche-minority-viewership hit home because Anderson couldn’t argue my point.  Instead, he just went after my color.  Whatever.  I’m used to getting mocked because of my skin color…  It’s just a shame when black people do it.

But that’s not the worse thing.

I’m no Ann Coulter. Remember this tweet she posted during a GOP debate?

 Then, she followed that up with this:

This is how Coulter works.  She provokes, then clarifies.  In this case, her follow up tweets made a larger point about the GOP candidates mentioning Israel to score points with Christian voters.  (Which I’m fine with — I want a candidate who cares about Christian voters’ concerns.)

I digress.  The real thing that bothers me about Ann Coulter?

Her white nationalist Twitter followers.  Yeah, that’s her thing, apparently.  In National Review, her followers are explained:

Coulter is using language that appeals to a microscopic slice of the Twitterverse that is obsessed with the notion that the GOP is full of so-called “cuckservatives” (short for “cuckolded conservative”). Who is a cuckservative? Someone like this:

The cuckservative feels very passionate about issues like abortion, which rarely directly affects his own life. In fact, you might often hear a cuckservative talking about how abortion is “racist” since blacks and mestizos overwhelmingly get more abortions that whites. On the other hand, the cuckservative feels uncomfortable about issues like immigration. If the cuckservative is not an outright open-borders shill, he will only give lip service about “securing the border” or “opposing illegal but favoring legal immigration” but he will never talk about immigration very much. After all, immigration has very serious implications for Western Civilization, so it doesn’t concern the cuckservative.


The cuckservative is often fanatically in favor of transracial adoption. He sees it as some divine calling. In a sense, this is cuckoldry at its essence, since these whites are usually forgoing their own inclusive fitness to adopt someone from another race. As Heartiste notes, they’re race-cucking their own families.

“Race-cucking their own families.” That’s next-level strange. Then there’s this:

The cuckservative, although never Jewish, often seems vicariously to live through Israel. Since the cuckservative feels that he cannot defend his own ethnic interests, he’ll defend Israel’s. The cuckservative cares more about Israel’s borders than his own. Israel adamantly defends its own ethnic interests and perhaps deep down the cuckservative respects this on some unconscious level. 

That’s just weird.  The type of people who follow Ann on Twitter — and the ones she tries to attract — do things like THIS to conservatives who adopt black children.

I know I say things that cause people to scratch their heads, or to even get angry.  But that’s because I want to have a conversation.  That’s because I love this nation and I love my brothers and sisters.  That’s because I think education is the great integrator.

The GRAND OLD PARTY is being sliced and diced into so many fractions… it’s no wonder we had 16  candidates and still people are unsure. 

Let’s clarify what a REPUBLICAN IS instead of highlighting yet another divisive wing to the party.  I am for unity, not division… and I do not condone the sorts of race-baiting that Ann Coulter apparently enjoys.

Even if she were dipped in butterscotch, there’d still be a rotten core of racism.  That’s not me, Anthony Anderson.  I hope you know that.

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