Hollywood starlets are not often seen taking a stand for all-American values, but this week Kate Upton proved that not all of us have been indoctrinated by blind loyalty to petty progressive posturing. In fact, some of us are patriotic and thankful for the sacrifices made by so many brave men and women every day to strive towards that more perfect union and the freest country in the history of the world.
Kate took to Instagram this weekend to slam NFL players who refused to stand for the National Anthem, especially those who kneeled on September 11th.
Kate even went on to defend and double-down on her comments on Twitter.
As Kate says, it is so sad that so many Americans have so quickly forgotten the lessons we all learned on September 11th, 2001. On that fateful day, we were reminded about who are true enemies are, who can be counted on to lay there life down to protect the rest of us, and just how amazing and resilient the American spirit really is. It is so maddening that privileged guys like Colin Kaepernick have such a short-term memory, and are so quick to dishonor those who have given their all for our country.
I love that Kate is willing to go against the liberal Hollywood narrative, and stand up for all of the hardworking men and women who have given their lives to make our nation safe.